Registered Office | INTER GLOBE FINANCE LTD. Aloka House, 1st floor, 6b, Bentinck Street Kolkata - 700001 Phone - 91-33-22621971 Fax - 91-33-40661036 Email - |
Corporate Office | INTER GLOBE FINANCE LTD. 85, Bentinck Street, 4th Floor, Kolkata - 700001 Ph No.: 033-22362251 |
Registrars & Share Transfer Agents | M/S NICHE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED 3A, Auckland Place, 7th Floor, Room No. 7A & 7B, Kolkata Phone - (033) 22806616/17/18 Email - Website - |
Compliance Officer’s Details | MS. PRITHA DHANDHANIA Company Secretary Aloka House, 1st Floor 6B, Bentick Street Kolkata- 700 001 Phone - 91-33- 22362251 Fax - 91-33- 40017271 Email - |
For any Queries relating to your shareholding, please email us at, stating your Folio No. in the subject line.
Disclosure of contact details of key managerial personnel who are authorized for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and for the purpose of making disclosures to stock exchange(s) as required under sub regulation (5) of regulation 30 of these regulations; As required under the Regulation 30 (5) of the SEBI LODR Regulations, the Chairman & Managing Director ( and Director (Chief Financial Officer) ( are severally the Competent Authority to decide materiality of an event /information or development for the purpose of making disclosure to the Stock Exchange.